Friday, September 10, 2010

Pizza Party

Well the day in general went fantastic. Had a lot of fun playing a math game involving remainders. When the pizza party came the 6 who didn't make it were dissapointed but they will work harder in the future. One actually threw a full out temper tantrum on the teacher who was watching the students who didn't earn the party. I will make sure he misses part of recess next week for that.


  1. you better take that recess away... you take it! also i had a question... when i follow people my profile pic doesnt come up, just the blue man. but i have a profile pic up? its very confusing..

  2. What a terrific idea throwing a pizza party as a reward for the students.

  3. I see your picture, but I do not see my owe, so maybe it happens to everyone, idk.

  4. Sounds like a fun day. I miss those days.

  5. Pizza parties are awesome. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I will drop by daily and leave some support and blog love. Come checkout my blog and do the same if you'd like.
